Dysfunctions of the Decades & a Functional Future


Join us in reflecting on our shared history and dreaming together of a better future through a community created arts and culture exhibit. 

What: Arts & Culture Exhibit co-created through community conversation

Where: WOO Creative, 135 E Atlantic Ave, Delray Beach, FL 33444

When: Pop-up Art Exhibit – April 22nd – Earth Day – 7pm to 11pm  and starting March 1st – Wednesday Night Meet-ups – 6pm to 8pm

Something is profoundly wrong. We are producing more and consuming more but our happiness and wellbeing is not going up.  

The supersize me, bigger is better, special interest-driven decision-making that has led us to a state of organized irresponsibility is dying.  

A new story is emerging. Making sense of what it means to be human in the 21st century is now our collective task.

Join us for a community discussion series encouraging us to reflect on our shared history so that we may consider ideas towards a better future. We conclude with an arts and expression exhibit the evening of Earth Day.

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